Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We're still alive and kicking

So... after a rough few weeks things are finally looking up!!  Luke & Jacob both have had a rough go at it lately but thankfully Chase has stayed well through all of this... after he had that quick moving fever virus he has been super healthy.  Luke turned the corner about Saturday/Sunday which was such a relief for all of us!  Not knowing if he was going to kick it on his own or have to be admitted to the hospital was a little unnerving.  It is SO good to see him smiling again (sometimes at nothing at all but his hands or feet), so good to hear him laughing again and is back to his normal super content self.  Such an answer to prayer!

Jacob still needs a few prayers but as of yesterday his lungs sounded much better and the puss in his ear is gone.  There is still lots of fluid but we're waiting to see if it'll heal the rest of the way on it's own before putting him on yet another round of antibiotics.  And then yesterday a strange rash appeared... on his bottom.  He is done with diapers completely and has been since last summer so I called the nurse to see what it could be and find out if I needed to be giving him anything for it.  As soon as the nurse called me back she immediately told me that my pediatrician had a 2:10 and she wanted Jacob to be seen.  I thought that was a little strange until I heard what the doctor had to say about his rash... his rash is one of two scenarios: 1. He could be having an allergic reaction to the very strong antibiotics that he was on; or 2. It could be something pretty serious, serious enough that he wouldn't tell me exactly what because he didn't want me to Google it and freak out.  He told me to put him on Benadryl and watch the rash...that if it spread to all over his bottom and the backs of his legs to call immediately.  Well, this morning his rash looked just like what he said... all over his tiny bottom and all down the backs of his legs to his knees.  Now, we have to watch to see if the spots stay red/pinkish in color or if they turn purple.  The one good sign against the more serious condition is that he has some spots on his face, hands and arms... which is not as characteristic of the second, more serious scenario.  So... wait and see, praying that it's just a reaction to the meds and that it will start to fade in the next day or two and praying for peace for this momma.  Hard not knowing exactly but I'm working really hard on not focusing on what could be the worst case scenario and trusting that this is no big deal and will clear up soon.  Just no more Zithromax for Jacob!! 
So ready for this little guy to be 100% and back to his normal self!!

We hated to keep them home from church on Sunday but we just couldn't risk bringing one more germ into our house at this point.  Hoping spring gets here quickly and stays for good.  They have had such a good time playing together that I couldn't leave out this fun picture of my three boys, loving each others company!  There's no place they'd rather be! :)

Speaking of spring, we've had some pretty amazing weather the last few weeks and we sure have enjoyed it!  We're working on making a plan for our back yard... cannot wait to have nice grass back there!!  Right now it's one big sandbox... I'm not complaining though, it beats the red clay that we had in Greenville any day!!  Luke got out and had his first swing experience and he loved every second!!

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