Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saying It Again ... and again :)

My boys... the focus of this blog.  My family, things we do, the fun we have, the good times, the bad times... all reasons why I keep up with my blog.  There are moments that are so special that I want to blog about so that five, ten, twenty years down the road I can have these things written down to remind me of all the things that make me smile.  There are events that need to be documented because at this phase in my life I am not sure when my scrap booking things will ever make it's way out of my closet.  There are conversations, random thoughts, pictures ... all things I want to hold onto and cherish. 

Things, though, are not always so great around here.  I now have a four year old, a three year old, and a baby.  We have our hard days, the days where my patience as a mommy is tested.  There are days where I fail miserably to be the mom I so desire to be. There are days that I want to push rewind and try it all over again.  We have days where it's all I can do to get through... there are days where it seems like it would physically hurt the boys to get along and be nice to each other.  But, in all those days that are so hard, we also have our great days.  The days where there are no spankings to be had, no timeouts to set the timer for, no fussing or arguing, happy, content and helpful boys and those are the days that make the hard days better. Those are the days that make the hard days worth it.  One thing I've learned over the last few years is that the hard times, the trying times, the difficult times are all phases.  I think that the Lord knows just when to give you the "bright" days... He allows the good to come just when you can't take any more of the bad.  He brings those days at just the right time to bring encouragement, to give me a break when I am just about to my breaking point.  I am so thankful that the Lord cares and loves me so much that He is constantly aware of what I need as a mom. 

The last few weeks have been rough... we've been sick, we've all been tired, attitudes have been awful.  There have been more spankings and time outs than I care to keep up with.  Wednesday night the Lord used a "seasoned" mom to offer me some encouragement and it helped me realize that even during the bad days, even when I don't think I can discipline any more, to keep on going because if I allow Him to, He is going to use all of those moments. Those moments are SO good because even now, at just ages 3 and 4, we are laying the foundation for the years to come.  All of the conversations about their words, or about their responses to adults, or about getting along with their brother... all of those things, even as small as they may seem, are so important to the kind of children and young adults they will turn in to.  So... it's all in my perspective.  I need to remember as I'm saying the same thing over and over, as I start getting frustrated, that it's the little things that are going to make a difference.  It's all those tiny teachable moments that I need to be thankful for because it's in those teachable moments that the Lord uses me to guide their hearts towards Him and begin the process of helping them become who He ultimately wants them to be.  Wow! 

With all of that said we've had a really great weekend... the spanking spoon stayed in it's "home", the timeout corner is starting to get dusty and the boy's have had the most amazing attitudes. Hard work pays off... and just when things get comfortable they will go through yet another phase where the "kinks" have to be worked out, again! :)  But what an amazing privilege to raise three boys, to pray for these boys and to guide them as they get older.  The Lord knew what He was doing in giving me all boys... and it's my heart's desire to do all that I can do to help them become the men that He wants them to be!!!

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