Monday, March 7, 2011

Today's Conversation Over Breakfast & More

One of the purposes of my blog is to document some of the things the boys say and do so that one day, whenever I finally find the time to scrapbook (which seems to be getting farther and farther away), I can look back and remember some of the cute things they say.  Just this morning the boys started on the topic of when they get bigger while they were eating breakfast.  Here is how it went: 

Chase: When I get bigger I'm going to be like Daddy and teach kids.
Mommy: You mean you want to be a teacher like Daddy?
Chase:  Yes, but I want to teach boys and girls about Jesus.
Mommy: That is so great, Chase!  Who teaches you about Jesus?
Chase: Mommy, Daddy, Mrs. Michelle and Mr. Ken... Miss Danielle, my Gawanas teachers... Miss Sarah.  Miss Annie, Grandma, Nana, Pop-Pop.  I have a lot of people to teach me about Jesus.  And I want to teach people about Jesus when I get big!

Not long after, Jacob joins in.
Jacob:  I want to be just like Daddy!
Mommy: Do you want to be a teacher just like Daddy, Jacob?
Jacob: Yep!  I want to teach people to sing the A-B-Cs, teach people their numbers.  I want to get big and go to work, go to school just like Daddy!
Mommy: Jacob, you're going to be a great teacher one day.
Jacob: Yeah...

I can't put into words how thankful I am that we are all healthy again.  We've kept the two younger boys home from church the last few weeks to give their immune systems time to recover but we're hoping to go back to church as a family again SOON!

Luke is definitely back to his normal happy self!  He is also back to his normal sleeping habits, thank goodness!!  I wasn't sure how much more I could take or how much more sleep deprived I could get!!
And just the other night he had such a good time playing with his feet.  He found his feet a while back but lately he will keep himself entertained for the longest time playing with his toes. 
These pictures were taken a few nights ago just before bedtime.  Normally this time of the day is a little rough but this night he was in such a good mood and so happy!!
The big boys have been having such a good time outside lately.  They have a great time getting dirty, playing football and soccer, swinging together, climbing and going down the slide.  I love opening the door and letting them go.  It really helps break up our mornings and afternoons on days we don't have much to do!!
I love how much these two boys love each other!!  Crazy to think that this time next year we'll have a toddler running around after them!!

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