Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt #2

Saturday morning we got up and got ready for our second Easter egg hunt.  The night before Sarah, GG, Nana and I stayed up stuffing the eggs...we counted a total of 168 eggs.  After breakfast Pop-Pop went out and put down all of them, hoping the kids would find them and not the bugs or the yard crew! :)  Pop-Pop told the kids "the rules" and then sent them out back to find as many eggs as they could.  They also hid a golden egg but Pop-Pop must not have realized his grandkids are MUCH shorter than he is! ;)
Maddie & Chase were the two that were the most into the hunt... they took off running and didn't stop until the hunt was over.  Eli found a few eggs and then was more interested in the candy... a few times I looked over and saw his basket but Eli was no where to be found!  McKenzie took her time and carefully went around making sure she didn't miss anything.  Jacob was in his own little world finding his eggs and Micah was very intrigued with the slug that somehow found it's way into the first egg he opened! :)  haha  - I think we'll laugh about that for a while!  As soon as all the eggs had been found Pop-Pop and Nana checked everyone's basket for the golden egg.  The older two needed a few hints but McKenzie finally spotted the egg and the hunt was over. 
The kids all had a blast together hunting eggs!!  We took the baskets inside and checked each egg carefully before pouring the candy into baggies for each kid.  Once all the eggs had been emptied we counted and to all of our surprise the kids found each and every egg put out by Pop-Pop! :)

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