We left the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and took the family down to Hilton Head. We were so excited about spending Thanksgiving with my parents, Nana & Pop-Pop. The boys had such a great time with them and it was such a nice surprise that Nana even got off of work early the days we were there.
Jacob using a princess tiara and wand to be a police officer (I think the tiara was a mask or sunglasses and the wand was his "spanking spoon for bad guys")
Luke getting another one of Nana's baths in her kitchen sink
Enjoying a special breakfast on Thanksgiving morning
Pop-Pop getting lots of snuggles and time in with his grandsons and Nana doing what she does best, read :)
We loved our Thanksgiving and Luke especially loved his first Thanksgiving
Luke spent lots of time talking to Nana & Pop-Pop
Normally my Dad's parents, GG & Goomba, would have been there too but this year Goomba had a heart cath procedure scheduled around that time so they were unable to come up. We missed them so much but are beyond excited that they will be here, in Columbia at our home, along with Nana & Pop-Pop, for Christmas!!! Never in a million years did I think I would ever have my grandparents at my house for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning so this year is going to be extra special and something we'll remember forever!
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