Monday, December 13, 2010

Changing SO quickly!

I can't believe that on Friday my littlest one will be four months old.  The time is going by way too quickly and he is growing up way too fast!  I want to freeze him in the stage he is in now and keep him there for a long time!!  He has discovered his hands and fingers (he tries all the time to get his thumb in his mouth so I'm thinking we may have another thumb sucker on our hands!) and more recently he has discovered he has a voice.  His sounds are so sweet!!  He also has started laughing in the last few weeks.  At first it took a lot to get a tiny laugh out of him but more and more these days it takes very little to get tons of belly laughs.  We got a cute video a few nights ago of him laughing/talking to our dog... I will try to remember to post that video soon.  The big boys love that they can make him smile simply by just talking to him.  Chase has definitely been my huge helper.  Just today he held Luke for a good while I put laundry in the dryer, made lunch and emptied the dishwasher.  Such a huge help that I am not used to... Chase was only 18 months old when Jacob was Luke's age so he wasn't much of a helper.  Also, as a side note, it's crazy to think that Luke is only 2 months younger than Chase was when we found out we were pregnant again... I can't even begin to think about another child!  I think I would seriously go out of my mind!  Anyways, back to how much Luke is changing.... he has become quite the marathon sleeper.  Most nights he goes from 7:00ish at night until at least 7:00 or later in the morning.  Occasionally he'll wake up in the morning around 6 or 6:30 to eat in which case I'll feed him and put him back to sleep and he'll sleep until 10:30 or 11:00 in the morning.  He will almost combine his nighttime sleep and his morning nap into one long stretch.  And naps are about the same... I can always count on a good 3-4 hour nap in the afternoons which is so great.  I know this isn't going to last long so I'm taking advantage of it while it lasts! :) Here a few pictures to recap the last few weeks...
 Having fun one morning on his playmat
Trying to tell a story :)
 Attempting to get both fists in his mouth at the same time
 Enjoying his first time in his exersaucer - still just a tad too wobbly, that or he gets tired quickly
I couldn't resist taking and using this picture... his pouty face is so sad and pathetic that it breaks my heart but it's also so stinking cute at the same time! 
 Oh Jacob... never a dull moment :)
 Chase loves learning and being challenged..... working on his patterns!
 Sitting up like a big boy.... bright eyed after a great night's sleep.
Such a sweet crooked smile!
The big boys entertaining Luke for a few minutes

We've stayed very busy the last few weeks so the days that we don't have much going on I try to take advantage of it.  I love getting on the floor and playing with Luke, playing games with the big boys, reading to the big boys and finding out what things make Luke the happiest.  Most days we're either running around busy, busy or I'm home trying to get a million things crossed off of my list.  Sometimes I have to force myself to stop for a few minutes because I know this time is fast and fleeting and before I blink it's going to be gone!  So thankful for these three amazing blessings, even on the rough days where all I do is break up arguments, wipe bottoms and discipline, I love these three boys more than I ever thought I was capable of loving.

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