Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Days

Snow in South Carolina... not very predictable and not likely to happen much.  This winter, we've already had two really good snows for S.C.  The day after Christmas we got a good 4+ inches of the fun white stuff.  We took full advantage the day after Christmas because we thought for sure that would be it for this winter.  Little did we know we were in for even more just a few weeks later!!  We woke up early Monday morning (3:00 early -- not because of the snow but because Jacob wasn't feeling well) and the ground was already completely covered.  Just a few short hours later we had several inches.  We packed up and headed over to my in-laws house because we knew if we lost power we'd have to have a way to stay warm and they have a gas fireplace.  The boys were so excited to be having a sleepover at Grandma's house and it really was super fun sitting around the fireplace all day looking at the beautiful snow outside. 
The boys got out in the snow that morning and loved every second.  This being the second opportunity this winter they both kind of knew what to do and what not to do and Jacob definitely enjoyed it much more the second time around!
Chase made snow angels and Jacob enjoyed walking around the cars, brushing the snow off of them!!
Sam even thoroughly enjoyed running around in the snow and the boys loved throwing snowballs for her to catch!!
The cousins even came over to play and they had a blast!!
Chase loves spending time with his cousin, Emma.  These two are going to grow up to be best buds!
Luke enjoyed lots of warm snuggles and stayed inside while the big boys went out to play!
The rest of the day the boys made forts using Grandma's pillows...
 and played games with Jupe!
We spent the night at Grandma & Jupe's house in fear that the ice accumulation would cause the power to go out.  The big boys slept in Aunt Anna's bed together and did amazing!  They shared a room with Tweety Bird and made sure they were super quiet until the sun was up so that Tweety Bird could get all her rest! :)  The next morning all of the pretty snow was covered in a very slick layer of ice so it wasn't as easy for the boys to play in but they got out there anyways and had a ball!!  They had their first sled ride...
... or at least attempted to sled :)
Jacob's turn we tried it on the trash can lid... both were a little unsuccessful until Charles found a patch of snow/ice that hadn't been walked on yet and that worked much better! :)
Jacob found icicles hanging from Grandma's roof (his hat was covering all but a tiny part of one of his eyes so seeing things was a bit of a challenge!).
And both boys had so much fun having snow ball fights with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma & Jupe!  Jupe may have won the ice war but one day, when he's least expecting it, we'll get him back! :)  Luke took great naps and slept so well at Grandma's house... he really didn't mind staying inside.  He is not a fan of cold air, even if it's just on his tiny face!
He did, however, love looking at the pretty white stuff from inside! 
We were all so happy to have Charles home with us the majority of this week... he went to work on Friday and it nice that now it's the weekend.  I could definitely do more of these one day work weeks! :)  It's amazing just how much I can get done with Daddy home!!  :)

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