Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One year ago today....

One year ago today I was waking up as a  mom of two sweet boys.  One year ago today I kissed my two boys on their foreheads before walking out the door to go to the hospital to have our third baby.  One year ago today we welcomed the sweetest little guy into our family.  One year ago today the Lord blessed us with another miracle!!!

I cannot believe that it has already been an entire year!  I loved my pregnancy with Luke... it was so easy, except for the pain of my pelvis being out of whack!  He was so little and I knew he wasn't going to weigh as much as my other two.  I was nervous but so ready to see him and hear him cry!  And what joy I had the moment he was born... you would think by the third time it wouldn't affect me as much but third child or not, third boy or not, hearing their first cry and seeing them for the very first time is one of my favorite things!!  What a sweet little cry he had too!

Seeing the big boys with him was amazing.  They both were so good with him from the start... especially Chase!  They always wanted to be near him and talk to him.  I think one of the memories I never want to forget is Charles telling me about Chase in his bedroom by himself one afternoon when Luke as in the NICU.  Charles walked back there to see what he was doing and as he got close to his door he overheard him talking... talking to Jesus.  He was thanking Jesus for his baby and asking Jesus to make him better.  That still brings tears to my eyes and so much joy to my heart!  We were so grateful that the Lord healed him as quickly as He did and that we were all able to come home and be a family of five!!

Luke is a pretty typical third child.... from early on he has had to just go with the flow.  Some days he had no morning nap, some days his naps were cut short... and he just goes with it.  He is definitely laid back and as long as he is fed he is good to go!  He has a lot of Chase's personality... he gets his feelings hurt easily and has gone through some separation anxiety/mommy attachment.  Although he did not go through it as bad or for as long as Chase did he definitely had more than Jacob.  His smile lights up my days and his laugh is so contagious!

I'm so thankful for this precious little boy... I cannot imagine our lives without him!  We pray for him daily... we pray for his heart to be tender and we pray for the day he will accept Jesus as his Savior.  We pray for his future, for his health and for his happiness!  We pray for ourselves as parents to these three boys... we pray that we would never stop seeking the Lord throughout this journey called parenthood and that He would never stop guiding us.  We would fail miserably without His help.  We are so blessed.

So, happy first birthday, Luke Thomas!  You make this family more complete and you are always so much fun.  We are so excited to see what this next year will bring!!  We love you so much!!

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