Friday, February 18, 2011

Luke is 6 months old!!

Six months ago (yesterday) we added such a precious gift to this family... not sure where the time has gone or how it has gotten away from me so quickly!!  Luke is turning into such a fun little boy... he smiles at anyone and everyone (even when they're not even looking at him), he loves to play, loves to watch his big brothers, loves to talk and hear his own voice, has such an adorable little laugh, loves to roll over - both ways (in fact, he loves it so much he does it countless times in the middle of the night), loves playing with his hands & toes and is such a bundle of joy!!
He is his Daddy's biggest fan ... his face brightens up so much when Daddy walks in after work.  To say that he loves bath time would be an understatement!  He kicks and splashes so much that whoever happens to be giving his bath comes out looking like they had just had one too... wet from head to toe!  Luke started solid food just after he turned 5 months old and is such a pro already!  He's a huge fan of oatmeal, any fruit and all the veggies I've tried so far (which happen to only be green beans and peas at this point... but if he likes those two things then I can't wait to see what he does with sweet potatoes!!).  We're having to hold back on the fruit for now... he's reacting to something and the fruit is our first guess.  Once the rash goes away we'll slowly add fruit back in one at a time to see if we were right or not.  He is so content and just goes with the flow most of the time.  His smile completely melts my heart... I love how happy he is, even while teething!  He's definitely working on those bottom teeth... his gums have been sore for a few weeks so I'm sure any day now he'll wake up with a new tooth! 
He never meets a stranger... he is, in just about every way, just like Chase but I'm hoping that the stranger anxiety will be totally opposite!!  He's so close to sitting by himself... he has the strength, just not the balance.  His favorite toy right now is the Jumperoo that we're borrowing from the Jones family.  That child can get going and loves it!!!  He has gotten SO much better about riding in the car... we went through a period of time (from about 2 months until about 5 months) that he would cry as soon as we got in the car until we got out but he's over that now (thank goodness!).  We're loving this sweet third boy of ours and we are so thankful for him!!  He fits into our family perfectly and it's so true that God made no mistake adding him to our crew!

So, now on to his 6 month stats:

Weight: 14 lbs. 15 oz. (11th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (37th percentile)
Head Circumference: 42 cm. (12th percentile)

So my little one is tiny... just like Chase.  That comes as no surprise to me... I've been saying that he's built just like Chase from the very beginning.  Dr. Shrouds (our pediatrician) is a little concerned because everything (weight, height and head circ.) is starting to slow down.  I thought he'd be a little less concerned when he heard this is exactly what Chase did but until that curve stays consistent he said he is going to keep a close eye on his growth.  Here is a graph that Charles made comparing the boys' weights... it really shows just how closely Luke is following in his big brother's footsteps! :)
I love this sweet little man... his smiles brighten my day and his snuggles make my heart so happy!  Happy 6 months, sweet Luke!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed with Charles' chart comparing the boys' growth =) Great pics of Luke in this post. He is such a sweet boy =)
